Two Floors
I always knew as a child that I wanted to be a lawyer. But as an eight year old girl growing up in a household with a vast supply of reading materials, I began a secret, deep affair with writing. A love affair that has been exciting, unpredictable, sometimes torturous, often frustrating, always comforting.
By the time I finished college, I had written quite a number of short stories and even a few novels. But some of them had one thing in common, they were unfinished. Some had a beginning and an ending, but no middle part. While others had the middle part but was missing the conclusion. Sometimes I would finish a story but would change my mind and decide to rewrite some parts and make it longer. In the end, I get tired of it and move on to the next. One of those stories was a short novel that I started writing when I was 17. It was inspired by a Neruda quote that I had read from an illustrated love story. I had since lost the computer file after several upgrades. I had completed the story in my mind, I knew how I wanted the story to flow or what the ending was, but I never got around to writing it down. But I do want to finish it. Stories are not really worth much unless they are shared and what better way to do that but by completing them and letting others read and enjoy them. Well the enjoy part is relative, and perhaps a bit presumptuous. But hey, it's the thought that counts. ;-)
You are not falling for that Kindle crap, are you?
Every person I know who loves to write are hard core book lovers. I am no different from them. I own copies after copies of books of all kinds. A lot of them I have not yet read. But unread books resting on my shelves don't deter me from hoarding and accumulating more. It's an addiction. I am a compulsive book buyer. I am so serious about books that my dream home's most important feature, (second only to the kitchen), is a two floor library. Yesss, two floors. Just like the ones that castles have. This is one of the reasons why I have a soft spot for Cartland books which almost always feature castle-like homes with a library filled with rows and rows of books shelves that are two floors tall.
And I want the books to be varied. To come from all over the world. To be from different times, periods. When it comes to good reading materials, I do not discriminate.
In the real world, I collect books from every genre. I have mystery, suspense thriller, horror, romance, biographies, autobiographies, even self help books. I am also not particular about authors, although the best location on my shelves are occupied by the works of Edgar Allan Poe and such literature luminaries like Twain, Melville, Dickens.
I have several favorite books. One is Harvest of the Sun which to some may hardly be considered a classic. But I have a deep affection for it, the reason of which I can't really explain. Frankly, I don't even know why. Maybe someday I'll find the words, but now I can only say that I love that book and that's all there is to it.
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